2. I still sucking my thumb until about standard 3. I though I wont get away from it, but somehow I quit doing it.
3. I failed motorcycle license test twice. Once for car driving license.
4. I have my own room at home, but I dont sleep there. I sleep typically from my little brother room to my parent room.
5. Althought once called as Kungfu guy, the only kungfu I learn was Nunchak, and I not good in it.
6. Marine science is my first choice in University, but inside, I wanted to be forensic once. Maybe I still.
7. Like many others, I used to work in restorant as part time waiter.
8. I never spend any money for food there until several year after I leave.
9. I have more nickname than most people do, 80+. Representing different stage and different gang,
10. I'm scare of cold, but I had been on Fraser Hills without sweater for couple days. Guess that I'm not born scaring cold.
11. As I'm scare of cold, I rush my exam paper so I could left the exam hall ASAP.
12. Before form 6, I never stay overnight for study. Guess that overnight study make me less efficient, so I have lousier result than the time before.
13. I could remember small things that I hated. Once a clever student blame me change his answer, and he change it to the correct one. Such a loser, I could still remember his nickman as cockroach.
14. Before reading the essay that a guy dare his child to score zero, I did once in my exam. It was hard, I almost score 1 point, so I argue with the teacher that my answer was wrong.
15. I have once keep a feather with me more than half year, did not remember the first intention, but give away as a gift.
16. I have blog, which I keep my story under the line.
17. I have pen name, a couple of it, having different writing style,
18. I used to have a penpal, either he or me did not reply the last letter. I cant recall that.
19. I cant donate blood for National Blood Centre now, as they suspect I have hepatatis C. However, I could donate my blood in nearby hospital, as I have clear my blood status. Clearly they are lack of communication between this two.
20. I tend to have insomia after heavy drinking, which I tend not to drink now.