
  1. It's harder than it looks!
  2. Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter your and tag people that your want.
  3. Describe the person that tagged you and put his/her pictures.
  4. Use the first letter of you name to answer each of the following questions.
  5. They have to be real, nothing make up!
  6. If the person before you have the same first initial, you must use different answer.
  7. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

harry tkh

  1. What is your name: Lee Di Min
  2. A four lettle words: Lead
  3. A boy's name: Leonardo
  4. A girl's name: Louise
  5. An occupation: Law breaker
  6. A colour: Light blue
  7. Something u wear: lee
  8. A food: Lamb chops
  9. Something found in the bathroom: Lamp
  10. A place: London
  11. A reason for being late: Late
  12. Something u shout: Let's go!
  13. A movie title: Lord of the ring
  14. Something u drink: Lemon juice
  15. A musical group: Linkin Park
  16. An animal: Leopard
  17. A street name: Laksamana 16
  18. A type of car: Linea Vancero Mansory
  19. Title of a song: LOVE
  20. Something u use in school: lens
  21. People i wanna tag:

none yet
