- It's harder than it looks!
- Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter your and tag people that your want.
- Describe the person that tagged you and put his/her pictures.
- Use the first letter of you name to answer each of the following questions.
- They have to be real, nothing make up!
- If the person before you have the same first initial, you must use different answer.
- You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

harry tkh
- What is your name: Lee Di Min
- A four lettle words: Lead
- A boy's name: Leonardo
- A girl's name: Louise
- An occupation: Law breaker
- A colour: Light blue
- Something u wear: lee
- A food: Lamb chops
- Something found in the bathroom: Lamp
- A place: London
- A reason for being late: Late
- Something u shout: Let's go!
- A movie title: Lord of the ring
- Something u drink: Lemon juice
- A musical group: Linkin Park
- An animal: Leopard
- A street name: Laksamana 16
- A type of car: Linea Vancero Mansory
- Title of a song: LOVE
- Something u use in school: lens
- People i wanna tag:
none yet